Allow Source

In every breath the energy is flowing. So lets take a moment to consciously connect to that breath system, which is always running unconsciously moment into moment.

I am a source energy being is a good mantra to speak aloud at this time. 

Synchronising every breath through the heart with the vibrations of the spoken word has impacts beyond human perception.  You can focus direct intent of each breath as a sacred fire to all cells and any organ for healing and cleansing.

Breathing source energy is a mindful practice, which will help bring focus, balance and peace within. Make a moment now and connect fully in serving the source spark of unconditional love that is there.

The illusions are crumbling all around for the true nature of what is has begun to show its self on many fronts. It is really a time to rejoice in so many ways as we stand collectively at a new point in consciousness expansion.

Guidance and inspiration is always bubbling away for each to connect with. Everything is unconditional love within your sacred heart with no intermediary needed, this is your right as a source energy being.

As a collective and individually we have been felt across the universes and are ready to take the next steps in a new phase/state of being.

Many of those here to support humanity have been silent in a type of warrior hermit mode lately. The cleansing, preparing and integration have been taking place on so many levels all have felt the stirrings of source signalling.

Now is the time to serve source fully and as our wholly self.

Until the next time

The Sacred Trail