As we move.

Great hearts of love, as we feel our way into the new of all things, this old system is starting to crumble faster than many of us could have imagined possible or handled. Obviously, we can now fully see that the resisting ones are pushing themselves into oblivion and trying to frighten the collective with war games so that the fearful energy feeds them a little longer. Stay centred and do the research to find the back stories and influencers who have set the stage for this time long, long ago.  

It has become apparent that many aspects of life need to be cleared up with a sweeping hand and a great dose of truth-telling, but will the many doubters listen this time? Or is it better to just stay quiet? We know that after the course of the last number of years and the different phases of the negative agenda, many are feeling that our voices have been shut down and stolen by the trickery of division, false flags, conspiracy, accusation, and no acceptance.  

It really isn’t our task to continuously hammer the message home and/or harass others into the truth of what has been happening on this earth and elsewhere in this universe, but it is certainly and definitely our task to show the way through love. Being the best version of yourself as a source of energy that walks in self-love, that has found their true path or mission, and that has ignited the core soul of the source within is how we show the way.  

This is not to say that if someone asks for support and is searching for answers to their questions, we ignore them; not at all. This gives us the opportunity to serve another in unconditional love. Be careful and tread gently when communicating with another of the rabbit holes you may have knowledge of, as it can be very frightening for some newly awakened souls to comprehend the true reality of what is going on.  

It is worth remembering that the best advice to give anyone in these times is that the beginning of the journey is always to start with finding unconditional love for oneself and asking questions from within the core of the heart space and being. This is the only way to help empower others to take the journey upon themselves and to be fully responsible for their journey through self-love discovery.  

Do not allow yourself to become disheartened if anyone rejects your advice or way of being; that is fully down to how they accept it. Acceptance, allowance, and knowing are all part of the unfolding journey and can sometimes take a little time to figure it out, especially if there has been very little in the way of inner work and a lack of self-love.  

This is the time when self-mastery becomes true to its nature and the flourishing of all that each soul has gathered throughout its sojourn and each step into true form as spiritual source energy beings. The field that we play on has changed and will continue to change and expand until this is done fully.  

Being consciously active in calling forth the highest aspect of being that, in truth, we are is now the one task that has fallen upon all who are here. The end of an era and the beginning of the new have arrived in such a flurry that it has caused many to become even more unbalanced than expected, but it is how the changes must take place. There is a split occurring within the collective, with the deepest exposure that has ever been known in the collective.  

We are the ones who have come to make this change as a collective, to become our self-realised master selves throughout all time and space. There has been much work happening in the background, within each town and city as well as within every government and institutional organisation, that is not reported in the media. But be assured, these changes are exposing the depths of the unbalanced and reversed state of being and way of living.  

It has not just been over the last 2000 years that these changes have been seeded to take place; it has been over a very long time, and it has always been the plan. Take heart and connect within all that is; all that is not shall be purged from all as the higher soul pushes all that is not of the higher good of all out. The big part of the soul needs to be invited within to become the new version of the living co-creators here and now. So be it.  

We are all loved and always have been.  

The Sacred Trail