Beyond all lives

The love of source goes beyond this lifetime and all other lifetimes; our light is seen beyond the physical realm, for we are the light of the universe, the life of the creator, and part of the magnificent shift that is happening upon and in all the worlds in which we dwell. Maybe as of yet we cannot fully see the shifts we have heard about, desired, and wished for, but please be assured that in every breath we shift to higher states of consciousness.  

There are many of the few who have still refused to make a shift to the light of the soul, but that is accepted and always honoured. We do not have to concern ourselves with this at anytime; it is being dealt with by those that are here to take care of this part of the ascending process. We must allow, with grace and ease, the journey that each individual aspect has always chosen.   

Over the last number of months, we have all been going much deeper into the core of who we are as a collective and healing much of the remaining programmed trauma that has been holding us back on the journey.   The energy within everything is changing as the reclaiming of all we are is coming to wholeness. It was originally intended that the updated blueprints would release each and every aspect, returning to purity. The clouds and shadows of the dark night are lifting, and it is now time to answer the call, step up, and shine with all the might of the soul.   

It can be frustrating and confusing when one realises the true nature of what is going on in the outer world within the collective simulations, and many of those that can see have become disheartened. These are mainly the unhealed remnants and debris that still need love, the deeper part of the trauma imprints that have been hidden from view within the inner child’s essence.   

Each energy centre has its own dynamic and contains all of the whole of each other, very much like the collective in oneness; each can only truly come together through the full merger of the lower and higher selves, from within oneness, with the pillar of the inner child and whole authentic self. As above and so below, as within as without, bringing the lower selves and the higher selves together is what we need to do individually for the collective transformation.  

Separation and aloneness are illusions of the distorted mind and not of the heart, the soul, or the authentic self. To play within the theatre of the earthly realms, to journey in the forgetfulness beyond the veils of our true selves, is about the expansion of the soul, the expansion of creation, and the knowing of the true source self. We have all been chosen to play the roles, to play in the fields of consciousness, so that we can come back to ourselves, back to love, and back to wholeness.   

Bringing it on, bringing it back to love, and being the one who actively and joyfully remembers who we are. Plots, twists, and turns are there, like the bends and flow of a running river. Every field has its own unique tapestry; it has its own vibration, colours, and shape, making up its patterns that we may view with pleasure or distaste, which are all dependent on our own inner vibration and frequency as a consciousness.  

If all earthlings take time to activate the authentic soul light and hold that light, the new will be brought forth so much quicker.  

The Sacred Trail