the eleventh hour, catastrophe, change-758926.jpg

Change is here, lets go.

Change is both uniquely individual and collectively impactful, being felt through many layers of creation, form, and timelessness. What has to flow and go shall do in the unfolding changes that are here now. These changes that have been mentioned many times are to cosmically awaken a new dawning in the collective consciousness and clear out anything and all things that are not in alignment with the will of the Creator. It is the energy of change and the reclaiming of all, which is free will soul aligned and sacred to being spiritual in form, that is causing much of the chaotic stirrings in the earthly realities at this time.  

Through the chaos of releasing the shadows, a cleansing and deeper anchorage to the new takes place within, where a springing of new conscious awareness is lived in each now moment. The things that we see in the mainstream visual narrative are really the smoke before the mirrors; therefore, it is always a good idea to stay heart-centred and ask what the smoke smears are truly hiding.  

As we continue on the journey and walk together within the waking dream, we shall eventually find harmony, clarity, and the universal peace that is truly deserved throughout all lands, waters, and life. If it ever was truly instilled naturally in the collective consciousness, the war mind is not our collective vibration any longer. 99% of the world’s population wants to live in freedom without being governed by tyrannical overlords.  

It is the right time for all of us to harness the power of our co-creator hearts, and it is the right time to send out a continued blast of energy through our heart centres that has “Enough No More” as its fundamental frequency signature. Many ask, What can I or we do? Stating it will always be like this; it’s just the way it is! We must be governed by the powerful hand of the elites and governing bodies, who are all powerful and dictate the outcomes of day-to-day living.  

Thinking this way is very untrue and wholly illusionary from the outset, but it is still understandable why these things have happened over the generations and how we have been conditioned to be small, insignificant, and driven by fear at one time or another. Since our drop into the lower realms and tyrannical control was implemented by outside forces, chaos and war have been a regular thing here and elsewhere in this creation, but it’s worth noting that it wasn’t always this way.  

Spiritual energy beings who have been gifted with all the powers of the Creator are what we are, but sadly, there are still holdout factions and groups that do not want the collective to know this Truth and certainly do all that can be done to stop this form from manifesting. Individually, we do not have to worry about these ones who are keeping the old playbook in play; we must awaken and recognise our infinite powers within, collectively, and from that central core, we must simply stay within our soul boundaries. In this knowing the dysfunctional, corrupted and misaligned shall be dealt with fully.  

Setting boundaries can, for some, be difficult as they are yet to find the freedom of being from within. The relationship constructs make it hard to let go of family member dynamics, workplace norms, and social norms that we have been entangled within. Like a festering wound, it is sometimes necessary to isolate and cut away infected areas so that healing can take place fully without reinfection. There are many who have been dedicated to the journey and are ready to serve the next waves of awakening souls who have only just raised their eyes to the light.  

It is worth repeating over and over that self-love is the pathway of expansion and discovery; it is a path that is uniquely individual but in some ways similar for all, as everyone has to walk and live the way of the heart now. We must engage in every breath with our higher soul power and not think of ourselves as small any longer.  

Much has yet to play out, and lots of deceptions have yet to be brought forth to be seen and cleared. We can clearly see the cloak wearers are being exposed continuously, as this time is all about shining light upon darkness. Do not look to any political party, institutions, or individuals to fix the world’s problems; they are never going to join the common earthly collective on this journey home.

All of our world leaders who have the spotlight and can declare peace worldwide choose not to, as can be seen in their daily verbal pouting and actions.  

Raise the energy from within the embrace of self-love and let the joys of the soul be here now.  

The Sacred Trail