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Clearing the blockages.

The collective clearing continues to remove the energetic blockages required for the unfolding of inner truth, the revealing of authentic knowing, and brings forth correction to all misaligned histories. As we are moving deeper into the unfolding of these healing changes, we are finding the error of our way, aligning with our soul path, and getting to know our true selves. 

This journey we have taken upon ourselves is not an easy one in many ways, but through the power of self-love, life path devotion, and service to others, we begin to know the way, we get good at trusting our innate guidance, and we comfortably align with the higher parts of our soul.

There is so much more to unfold in the coming era of light, but it does take time to change things peacefully and correctly. The plan ebbs and flows in the rivers of the source, but one thing we can be certain of is that change is happening fast and can never be stopped. Once a sentient has decided to return to the light from the lower density realms, that decision has to be honoured and supported from on high. 

Just as we in the collective begin to take up our paths, as do many other collectives in all of creation, creating ripples and change throughout all dimensions and creation. Do not ever think that you mean nothing in the great vastness of creation, as this would be an untruth. As a piece of the one, you mean as much as the whole.

Becoming more conscious of who we are is now flowing through us as we discover that the truth has always been there beyond the distortions and illusions. It is time to fly and go for gold, to take a moment of self-reflection into how far this journey has taken each one. 

Breathe light and be the love that burns deep within the sacred heart flame that each carries.

We are supported.

The Sacred Trail