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Collectively we are only love.

Let us be the love we are; let us shake the shackles off and rise beyond anything we have ever known. The time has come in the present now, and the light is always available to even those of us who may feel or think we are unworthy. Deep within the heart, the body temple, and the essence of all we are is true unconditional love, but we may still continue to allow external views, people, and things to condition and drain us if we cannot fully go within; after all, the kingdom is within and nowhere else. We can rest assured and have soul confidence that the source creator and high councils have got our backs. If we delve deep within, it shall be known to us all.

Lighting up the world as one can only happen fully when all of the angelic humanity and the true masters of light start to ignite and hold the vibrations of the eternal unconditional love we are. This is what the division crew wishes to stop; they know and have been aware for many life cycles that the angelic humans would reclaim and become the whole of their being, which would ultimately bring heaven upon earth through the collective consciousness of the utmost high. There has never been a more exciting time to be alive than it is now, so let us all take a breath together and be it all. Be what we came to be, and so it shall always be.

There are different levels of conscious awareness and mastery within, but the truth of DNA unravelled and brought to purity via self-activation will always bring the full glory of being to life. By chance, we did not come, but by much careful planning, we have incarnated from all dimensions, universes, galaxies, and through the permissions and will of our creator. Feel now for the knowing of the true self inside; feel for the soul of love we are; and ask for the clarity to release and gather the highest potential of the incarnated soul now.

It does indeed seem like we sometimes have to drag ourselves through repeat cycles and clear the old, but many times it is not a repeat but only a different and deeper level that we must go through to remove the seeding of distorted programming and lay the new foundations for the new human collective to rest upon. Dark nights of the soul and what we call tower moments have been placed within the incarnating cycle as trigger points of change and to help us release what has been left to clear up from other incarnated cycles. There is always a gift in even the darkest night and most crashing towers of change, which if observed through self-love and trust in the soul journey, all will be known and all will be re-birthed for the greater good of all.

Resisting the intentions, guidance, and decisions of the higher soul is never going to end well. As many of us who have tried can verify on countless occasions, the soul that sits on the seat within is the one who wears the crown, has full control, and is in communications with all that is, all of the soul tribe, and the souls we must interact with. If our parents and generations before had taught that we are souls on a journey, on a soul mission, and we had access to our source-free self, then things may have been much different long before now, but even the ancestors needed to journey and experience.

We have gone beyond the need for time markers and reasons to go backwards in time as we have done through this cycle. We have learned that sometimes we and even the most high need to just wipe the slate clean, release back to the source, and remove all that no longer serves, no matter how much love we have.

The great symphony of light is starting to be heard by all who must hear the sweet, sweet music of home; the tones of each soul are joining the master piece of love and harmonising throughout the universes. The sacred union within is unfolding for many who are prepared to serve the next wave of those transitioning in this magical moment, so we shall move forward fully without hindrance.

And so it begins.

The Sacred Trail