Freedom to rise, talk and be all we are.

Crushing others to stay silent and controlling the global consciousness is nothing but tyrannical control of collective humanity. As said many times, the reality is that, over the centuries, we have given our powers away to groups of others who masterfully use deception, soul possession, fear, and slight of hand black magic trickery to continue the darkest of agendas.

These moments we live in are continuously changing as we rise in consciousness and the beautiful ebb and flow of unstoppable energies shift us into the new phase of creation. These times were always foretold and are what we have continued to incarnate for as seeds of change, seeds of consciousness, and majestic seeds of source light.

Is it possible to stop these changes? No is the answer to that question, but it has been possible in the past to create delays and railroad some of the changes of the passing era. Everyone has now had the opportunity to surrender to the will of the source within, but again, we can deeply recognise and honour that many were just not ready to listen without further lessons being brought into their manifested experiences.

Each of us who are actively aligning with the path can continue showing the way by being the highest expression of the unconditional love that we are by consciously engaging within the internal mechanics of the heart and soul. Choosing to engage is simple for some who have walked this path over many incarnations, but for others, it may seem unthinkable and not worth the efforts it takes to go within the silence of the sacred heart. External reality is brought forth from an individualised projection of one’s self and the collective humanities projection that forms through our collective way, which is at present a super distorted matrix that is not in harmony with the original pulses of creation.

The distortions through the 12 dimensions happened a long time ago after many destructive drops in frequency and step-down mechanics were implemented that go way beyond the sleepy mind to which we have been collectively tuned. The memories of 12D true being are held within our hearts and soul essence, so it is individually our responsibility to follow the path within and no others. Fear of what we may find within is illusional and can be like going down a dark corridor in a haunted house and being lost in the dark forest, but if we find the source light flame that is always burning within, we shall light the path through all fears of the illusions, returning to 12D alignment.

At present, there is a great deal of activation happening at the cellular level, so please be mindful of how to care for these ongoing changes. The DNA is being brought out of its slumbered stillness by the fluxing energy that will take it back to the original source alignment, very much like unpacking a computer zip file and activating each new operating system update. Even after all the destructive interference, the source lives up to its original potential, unaffected by the anti-legions.

Collectively, it can be accelerated if we all take the steps to complete the individual missions, actively igniting the flame codings within and being so that the codes can connect fully and harmonise within the earth grid systems, activating the body temples fully. It is not an easy task when we are used to ignoring open communication with our body intelligence, but if we listen to the guidance of our soul monadic tones and actively command the body and DNA, they will listen at our command.

Nature is our place to find the rhythms of perfection and join the flow of the elemental kingdoms without being hardwired to technological devices and swimming in the continued bombardment of wifi antennas. As the earth rises, we all shall rise or fall, just as the waves of the tidal waters wash upon the beaches and shores. It is a process and takes time to adjust to the new, so be gentle and kind to your path.

There have been many who talk a good game but have really never known what this journey home is about or the true back story of how we as a collective got into this situation. It is always the case that the victors recycle and twist the history books that set out the nets of control for the next generations to come. 

Our time has come to stop the invasion and corruption once and for all.

The Sacred Trail