Humanity Saves Humanity

Can it be that the majority of humanity collectively has too much unhealed ancestral trauma that keeps us stuck and held within looping streams, unable to move forward? An entanglement of sorts, or is it just that we can’t be bothered to look beyond our current situations in the material world and reside within the heart? It is for many here traumatising and fearsome to think that generations before us and lives that have been lived by us and family members can or may leave behind events that impact our lives of the present day with unhealed stuff, a karmic residue of our own creations.

Family lines, soul lines, race lines, and any other place our soul aspects may have fragmented and expanded will always have the potential to leave much for our current selves to deal with, transmute, and heal, plus a little extra we can be assigned to help the collective humanity clear. This is a cycle of creation that is at the transition point between what we know to be old creations and new creations. It is truly a magical moment to be witness to and be of service to others and all of creation, but it is not always clear to the unaware where we are going or what we are to become.

The creative source energy is the light of this creation, and the light of the source being is co-creative humanity, magical by nature, and loving beyond conditions. When we can take conscious action to begin to know our creator selves, to go within, and wrestle with our shadow selves, it all starts to become apparent and clear as to what is what and why we are here. There is an ancient knowing that we are here on missions to clear up what we can through incarnation cycles for our ancestors of seven generations who lived and seven generations forward for many of who we are also.

Difficulties will always arise when the unconditional love of the source is not present in the family unit or in any relationship dynamic, whether it be the present family, romance, work, or play. We can learn to navigate the inner and outer world constructs and programmes by being centred within the heart mind and flowing with source energy, creating space, peace, and harmony within, therefore allowing us to observe the mirrors of others in silent knowing.

Self-love is the key to the true kingdom within; it is the conditioner and strengthener that is needed to make it through these moments that we are presented with within this waking dream. Self-love is truly where we should always start before we take on external realities and/or any other tasks such as healing others or looking for knowledge about the matrix of no love. There is a movement happening that has not yet been fully grounded in self-love, healing, and service to others. There is, however, plenty of sharing of pain driven by fears, finger-pointing, and tittle-tattle, which is a source of food for the no-love matrix and its old templating.

It is now for all who are becoming aware of the things that are affecting humanity to become the way-showing ones of source love that gently move beyond the infiltrated data points and begin the journey as a collective founded in self-love. Those who command the soul through loving grace and the presence of the Creator are those who know how to serve others and support those who are in need.

The shock and horror of some subject matter is overwhelming, to say the least, but it is worth remembering that we, as a collective, create our realities, and where we focus our energies, we manifest our projections. That is not to say that we can’t still lovingly inform others of our findings and look for the wizards behind the curtain, who are fixed on manipulating the distorted prisms of the illusions within the no-love matrix. Our true empowerment as one comes from knowing wholly that we can only be the conduits of transfiguration through the loving vibrations of the source being present within.

We are very worthy of these roles we have to play here and now, but it does take commitment, dedication, and courage to move freely and be fully focused on the mission that all souls have, whether they are new or old. There is nothing that we need to train for, practice, or learn anymore, as those days are gone and done in other lifetimes, which were all to prepare for this journey now. It is what we are fully embodying now that counts as the presence of the source energy being; it is an accumulation of everything that we have experienced and that we are, which is being embodied so that we can hold the best of all we are.

Keeping ourselves small and unseen will not do us any good anymore; it is too frustrating, sore, and uncomfortable to retain such light within a vessel that has constricted its framework and form through aeons of conditioning and distortion. Many are now noticing that the illusionary time of man has begun to shift and quicken beyond what they have been so used to, leaving very little or no time to complete the daily tasks or even rest a little. This is all by design, as the acceleration and time compression spirals send the collective into the no-time place of being and into alignment with the ever-present-now moment of true being.

It is good for us to isolate, to take moments of doing nothing, and to rest our vessels when the energy is in flux and the bodies are overstimulated by the shifts. There is the magical opportunity to be more loving of oneself in these moments, which will make aligning with the Source a natural way of being. The harmony that may be found within nature, the woodlands, the mountains, and walking at the beach can all help us to reconnect at a deeper level with the elements and the elemental kingdoms, who are just waiting for our conscious connection to be known by us all. Trees are so loving and are ready to help us transmute the woos of trauma and confusion and realise our oneness with all.

It is our individual responsibility to get to know ourselves and to awaken all that needs to be brought forth, felt, and healed. Humanity will undoubtedly save itself, as that is what we came here for, through the reclaiming of all essence, all fragments, and all lives that have been and shall be. Taking a moment to ask for clarity in all things from a neutral point of observation and being okay with what is brought forth will help release the mists that the veil of forgetfulness and amnesia has placed upon us.

Love without self-love is no love at all, as it is just a word that is meaningless without the source. Every inner child deserves to be healed, recognised, and become part of the whole through the vibration of a self-loving being. There are many sayings and teachings that say, Be like a child; the kingdom is within; we are one. How can we become wholly all we are if we ignore the pain and hidden knowledge of the child within?

Until the next time

The Sacred Trail