No man’s law will fix broken systems.

As many hold on to hope and wait on what is proclaimed Nesara/Gersara and the revaluation of currencies, we can tell you all that it is not happening like many gurus and self-proclaimed distorters are saying. We cannot fix any broken system or broken people with a broken system and broken people, as suggested and intended by those who have held power. Release yourself from the bindings of these criminal minds lies and don’t look back.

These ones who are now making a fortune out of monetized YouTube channels and social media advertising are part of the high-jacked system and plans of what could have been many, many years ago. Very much like the great reset proclaimed by the organisations that do not have authority or very good intentions for humanity and the universal creation, there is one plan of the prime creator, and that plan is already in full swing and being led by many beautiful beings of light and teams sent forth by the source and prime creator.

What is true and uncorruptible is within each and every ensouled heart that is aligned in knowing fully with the source of all that is. There are things that must be acknowledged from within and balanced before clarity can be truly known. The inner child must be healed through self-love, as this aspect is the one that carries all trauma and all wisdom from every soul’s experience in all lives. Many do not want to go within simply because they are afraid of the shadow aspects and what will be highlighted. As we know, many are too busy with the material level of consciousness to bother about being their own saviour; that responsibility is put on others or on some corrupt organisation, church, or state driven by man and greed. If these organisations had loving hearts and were of light, don’t you think there would be no wars, no famine, and no poisoned food, water, or air? All this will change in transition, yes, but it will not be in the hands of those that promote power structures.

Please take some sacred breaths and allow the source energy of the I am presence to free all from the bindings of the old intruder forces. These ones may look and act like humans, but they are anything but. We are now set on course for the transfer of worlds and the wholeness of being to manifest within all that is new. As these worlds reach the galactic level of consciousness and brightness, you may start to truly notice the many changes that have occurred within and without. Simply put, vibrations of a lower density shall not and cannot stay within the less dense frequency spectrums of liquid light.

All that have descended and conciously turned around to face the light once more are fully supported and guided by teams of ancestors, multi-dimensional aspects of themselves, masters, and beings of the ascended realms. Those that have chosen to remain in very dense spectrums have had a place prepared that allows the journey to continue until all who have chosen return to the one. There has been so much lying and corruption taking place over the last period of transition in many fields of economics, medicine, and scientific research, but the source will take care of every single being who has been involved in the promotion, propaganda, and administration of the experimental toxins and agendas of the dark forces.

The law of one is the only law of creation and of the one true source; all ascended planets and beings must honour the law of one, and that is the only truth; anything else proclaimed is illusion and false light. Be very discerning in these times of great awakening, as the ones who are power hungry and disconnected from within are very vampiric at this time. Sometimes there may be an unsettled feeling and a draining of your energy after interacting with some beings in your day-to-day experience. Please use the sacred heart breath and cleanse the energy field, as there may be attachments of an unwanted nature.

Good spiritual practise and alignment with the source are each individual’s choices and responsibilities to stay in harmony with all that is. The greatness of the I am presence is within and cannot be captured, distorted, or monetized by another being or organisation proclaiming to be a teacher or guru, as they do not know from the sacred heart. Be aware of this and stand fully in the light and energy of your true knowing as a being of source light. Do not concern yourself with others journeys if they seem to be going in the opposite direction from yours. No one can save or force another to be saved; it comes down to choice alone.

It is better to know from within the story of the heart than to watch and read messages that may or may not be of light.

Knowing how dog latin is used as a false language and how to spot those that plagiarise and write babble languages of Babylon will help you discern easier.

May peace be within all that you are.

The Sacred Trail