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Podcast invite 

Share your Soul Journey Playlists, favourite stories and musical experiences.

We all have a unique playlist of songs and music that has accompanied our life’s journey. Some bring joy, some sadness others bring movement and others bring peace. 

The scope and power of music to create change, move the soul forward and stir energy is endless. Like a good book it opens the imagination.

Join us on our new podcasting adventures and share with others your playlists and experiences. We know that there is a powerful healing component to storytelling. 

There is no more powerful way to serve others than by telling stories that share and mirror experiences.

The majority can remember a moment in life when tears have flowed through being triggered by a song. Music has the power to bring memories flooding back over and over giving us a powerful tool at our fingertips.

We shall take this podcast from idea, through a series of trials and build a foundation that can nurture confidence in sharing sojourn experiences. 

Join us on telegram to set up your slot.

Co create is our mantra with this adventure.

 If you want to explore creating shows with us here at The Sacred Trail join us on telegram where we can connect and discuss the possibilities.

Share Joyful Memories 

The Sacred Trail