The Sacred Trail

Sacred Masculine it is time.

 Beloved Sacred Masculine,

It has been so many aeons since we have collectively witnessed the true energy being we are, the eternal unconditional love we are, and the allness of the true masculine we are, unified with the beloved true feminine upon the planet.

We have no reason to fear the true Sacred Feminine or any other being outside of ourselves.

We do, however, have a reason to make sure we are fully aware of all that has happened, all that is presently occurring, and all that is to keep us out of union, individually and/or collectively.

Like very strong magnets repelling each other for aeons, we have been.

At this time, we have come to fully reinstate the template of the true masculine energies of the prime creator source. It will not be held back any longer; it is sent through the true masculine architecture and energies to all who receive, each soul here no matter the programming and conditioning.

By the whole truth of the Prime Creator, it is so.

We upon earth, as we know her now, have endured the intrusions and deceptions of many forces who undoubtedly stayed long past any rights won, claims made, or supposed rights of possession.

After much time spent observing the fields of reality, the truth of this has finally begun to filter into our awareness and open the eyes and hearts of many. The energy of the internal living light has sparked the roar of the lion’s heart.

We collectively, of the true masculine essence, of the source command, of all that is, command that all and any remaining corrupted forces, malevolent beings, technologies, and agendas that harm be exited from this field of awareness, consciousness, and creation now.

Through our sacred hearts, we send the light of the source through all realities, dimensions, hidden pockets of reality, frequency nets, time bubbles, false realities, spellcasters, soul binders, and time warp mechanics.

So be it; it is done.

Stand Sacred Masculine in the whole truth of being and embrace the polarities of the universe within. There is no separation, but within the mind of fear, stagnation, and living in the cranial mass called the head.

Always, clarity can be found, known, and held from within the sacred vibrations of the sacred heart. Use it masculine for the internal sunshine has ignited within you. 

Breathe now through the sacred heart breath, knowing that all distortions are illusions, and release the conditioned mind that is at war within oneself. The forces and energies of negative polarity have kept us imprisoned too long; they can no longer affect us in truth.

We are the builders, creators, and protectors of unity, unconditional love, and peace. We are here to build, in co-creation, a new world for the next soul experience upon the new earth.

The old order, as we call it, is running out of steam and, in many aspects, has run out of money and resources. Truly, those who have harm and war in their minds and malevolent intentions are finished here on Mother Earth.

The security forces of light will now accelerate their deployment and presence here; each team arriving is assigned to lead them back to the source and bring them before the council of the prime creator.

Be present and be the (Beam of Light) that is truly the energy of the soul.

Incarnating at this time has not been easy for many, but when that true soul awakens, all that is inorganic, false, and illusion will fall away as the true reality manifests in truth through each heart.

Sacred Masculine, it is time to reconnect with all that is, all that is natural, and all the elemental aspects of being. Magic source walking is what you are, love is what you are without any conditions at all, and now is your time to show up.

You have been called.

The Sacred Trail