Soul Empowered Being

No more allowing others to distract and manipulate the flow of source for all.

We have reached a moment when the energy of source has accumulated to such a degree that the fabric of all we have ever known is crumbling.

Always part of the plan and always with precision these moments are used to change the play of the theatre for the greater good of all. Held within the return signal of unconditional love the creative source calls all of creation home.

As individualised realities switch focus there can be little moments of disorientation, vertigo and extreme bouts of fear. This is more to do with deep cellular memory and timeline releases as the souls begin to further accelerate the merger of the organic structure and templates.

Good practice can only ever be what each feel is the best way for them. Focus must come from the internal being and the energy of the soul in connected awareness. 

Enough energy shifting has been done to guarantee the collective union with creator as it has always been so. The soul journey in this focused reality can make it seem as though we are separate and disconnected but that’s only the magic of this creation.

Just how do we make change? This question has been asked over and over but always comes with the same answer.

Change the inside through unconditional love and the outside will manifest the inner vibrations and frequency range to operate in. If our inner world and sub conscious is in turmoil the signs and energy on the outside will attract a matched energy.

At this time the souls and soul families are working together to clear up the distorted relations with the original soul parent, collect fragmentations of consciousness and heal the age old rifts of the eons.

Some of the more fragmented soul aspects that have got to the end of the journey are being returned to source for reconstruction and expansion. 

This has been a process that has taken much work, care and love to carry out for those involved in this transition corridor. Nothing in organic creation is lost during these moments, it is only the beginning of a new chapter in the development of the new collective we.

The energy that is within each I am presence is now looking to be embraced and acknowledged from within physicality. What this will do is clear out all remaining doubts about the true power of the soul that is actualised in form. 

The original intention of creating a source being who is walking in form as their creator self.

 The Sacred Trail