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Soul Empowerment is Our Right.

Sometimes we forget the strength of soul empowerment and self-love on the journey in human form and elsewhere in the greater cosmic creation, becoming the we who have yet to awaken fully to the infinite possibilities that being manifested into a vessel of source energy has. At the oversoul creational point, all is known, and all awareness of all that is can only ever be whole, but let us all take ourselves off the hook now and know that any adventure from the source shall create experiences and soul journeys of forgetfulness and a sort of separation through the mind of the soul reflexion.

Source never leaves us in truth, as manifested form will always have the spark flaming of source within; it is only from the mind’s projections that we can truly feel lost, alone, and, for many, helpless. The projections of the external world, the teaching of those that have come before, and the institutional controllers created step-by-step frameworks and multiple matrixes that kept everything running from instruction sets that dull light, stifle potential, create soul slavery paradigms, and create hybrid forms disconnected from source alignment.

We must first realise from within our being that we are souls that are part of the bigger source of creators love and that we are the authors and the only full authority of our soul who must command our whole being into the light once more. No one can control us or be over us; anything other than true unconditional love has all been made of a war-minded consciousness with anti-life agendas created by groups of forces that have driven this domain into the lowest vibration possible so that the energy created feeds their systems.

Has there ever been a world civilization without war, pain, and suffering on earth? Yes, many times, but we have been living too short lives at present to remember previous cycles, and mostly the stories are forgotten, distorted, or spoken about as myths and conspiracies. The vast majority of souls here on this planet have spent time in these civilizations or were actually part of the destruction when things crumbled into seeding fallen systems. From that point, certain groups then took it upon themselves to capture and destroy the angelic human form of being, knowing that fully activated consciousness at its highest functioning potential is multidimensional by nature and is creator source embodiment, which for those without this DNA potential, capturing it is like winning the jackpot and may give access to the higher fields of conscious creation.

We are told by our religious leaders that the creator is far too busy to speak to the little human sinners and that we shall be damned to a place called hell if we even contemplate our true connection to the source as a spark of divine origin. Looking over our histories, we can see how the infiltration against the true teachings and the way of being has been controlled, and we have been deceived. All of this creation is sacred; all of this planet is sacred; all life is sacred; and all of this creation shall return to the one, re-establishing the balance of the sacred feminine and sacred masculine principles.

Intelligent life is in all things, but yet we are told we must trust the scientists and science beyond trusting the gentle voice of our soul tones and our innate knowing of our source intelligence. The false gods and ETs who are many and the false religious cults of our time will not last very long now as we are quickly returning to the original source intentions and structures that are. Unconditional love is what will drive the vibration and frequency spectrum higher and higher as the Grand Orientated Design undergoes re-alignment to the one infinite source foundation and geometry.

At this time of the new aeon seeding, where the soul royalties and pure souls of mastery shall embody within all we are and the great arcs of the most high source shall be re-established in sacred manifestation, peace will be the optimal operating system within this creation. There is nothing any group of beings can do and nothing else that is or shall be allowed that continues to steal, capture, and enslave. The edicts and commands of the originals are and will always overwrite the edicts of the illusion and/or any beings who have disconnected from the source; there can be no other way unless allowed by the governing author of the creation.

It is for us all now to focus fully on self-love, as this is where it all starts as the cornerstone and foundation. It is time to be strong and courageous, harnessing the powers, gifts, and traits of the creator within. All souls here are very worthy of turning themselves around to become the co-creators that they were sent forth as, or they would simply not be allowed to manifest on this domain at this time. There are billions of souls waiting to come here from all over creation, as this is the place to be and the place where all eyes are on this transformation. Souls of light always wish to serve the greater good, and many have answered the call to support and aid this magical transition of all souls back into the higher realms.

Do not worry too far into the future and don’t look back, or it will cause more anxiety and depressing energies, sending us out of the now-ever-present moment of no time. The mind can be deceived in many ways and through thought forms that may not always be ours at origin, but the heart will keep us shining and within the unconditionally loving true alignment of the source.

When collectively coming together, it is now best to keep focused and operate from the sacred self-love path, as this energy is not where any infiltrator can come in and hijack the collective. If we don’t hold ourselves in self-love and in service to others, it creates doubts and unwanted holes in our energy field, which can then allow unpleasant energy attachments and send us on the downward spiral, allowing our soul light to be food for others. We are the whole magic of the creator, so be it.

May peace be with all, and may peace be what we are.

The Sacred Trail