Source Loves to be Commanded

Source loves to be Commanded and willed into being.

Oh yes it is time to breathe together once again. To share in the love of source with others is a beautiful experience even when we are in many locations.

What is the intelligent source that flows through all living life? Worthiness of being in command of the source within is a thought pattern that needs no entertainment by any. 

Source is open source and that makes it available to all.

Source is not the enemy of mankind and nor is the soul of the planet. Changes alway cycle round as the loving source awaits being commanded into action.

Let us take a breath with this knowing that we are indeed loved and source is within us. We are all from that same beautiful source yet some are feeling distantly connected or not at all but that is all illusion. 

No matter where we are we can all take a breath in this moment.

  • I am a source energy being
  • I am allowing source as my guide and companion

This is a good moment to rest in the energy and steady the breath into deeper reaches of the breath.

  • I am source love and I am present
  • I am source love and I am present
  • I am source love and I am present

With a deepened breath and exhale we can fill our energy bubble with the I am presence energy of soul. 

I am presence

I am presence

I am presence

The imagination is nothing to fear it is part of the thought and intent mechanics of manifestation. 

What programs the unconscious mind to bring into reality what it believes is influenced by the thoughts that are embraced in the conscious mind. 

What a man thinks he becomes.

Everything we are experiencing in our reality is constantly shifting and manifesting from one temporal state of being to another. 

It is now a great moment to loosen our grip of the old that doesn’t serve source and the greater all.

As the furrows of the fields have peaks and troughs so do the waves of vibration. It takes harnessing the power of self love, patience and compassion to surf the waves of an expanding creation.

All are being affected in the cosmic fluctuations and the changes to the unseen fields of the grand design. What state of consciousness gives peace lays within the core of the sacred heart. 

Within is the place to be but breaking the trappings of distraction is difficult at times upon the journey. 

Responsibility for the journey and being committed to the journey is for each a choice.

All choices for souls returning connection to source have been made and now it is time to integrate the embodiment of the greatness of all that is the Soul. 

One who knows how to command space and knows that the energy is love.

Until the next time

The Sacred Trail