The burning fire of the Soul.

Within the fire of the soul is the authentic and burning truth of all we are. There are changes happening within that are impossible for the mind to comprehend at this time, but the bigger part of our essence always knows exactly what is going on in each present moment. We must know and learn to trust fully this bigger part of our beingness and communicate openly through the unconditional love of the source with the heart.

We each live together in a collective human experience so that we can expand and remember who we are as individualised free will beings, soul beings, creator beings, and aspects of source love. The lower densities have vibrated so slowly and so out of form that we have been trapped and manipulated to believe that we are nothing, that we are just dumb humans, and that we are an expendable miscreation. This is very untrue, as everything in creation is by design, has reason, has an intelligible origin, and is chosen to be lived.

Why have we not fully remembered or believed we were more than just little humans? There have been external forces and conditions held over the collective for a very long time, passing from generation to generation over many empires of tyranny. These drop-down distorted systems and matrixes began through the false gods, intruder non-earthly races, and were held together with an assortment of black magic, deception, genicidal slaughter, and delibrate cataclysmic events.

As the changes of now take place, it is clear to see that the choices of the war-minded are replaying much of what has happened before: dictatorship, suppression of freedoms, delibrate posioning, and endless wars. The duality is playing out as the old structures struggle to retain power over the dimensions of reality, and they are trying their best to hold course for more cataclysmic events, but they will fail.

The ones who are in the spotlight right now are the paymasters of the controlling financial institutions, assorted multinational executives of business and NGO’s, government leaders, religious cults, and royal houses, to name but a few. This runs deeply into the collective, into the experience on and off the world, which shall continue to be exposed at an accelerated rate over the coming months.

We have all been preparing and bringing ourselves into alignment with the higher path of the soul. It has been a very transformative stage of getting ready for what is about to be the new way of being. There is much to look forward to as we move towards worlds that are in harmony with the original source of creation. 

So many have not felt or heard the call yet! but many more will in the next few bursts of energy that have been sent forth from the central source. The divide will become apparent and, in some ways, will continue as each moves in their chosen direction. What we must focus on is what we have individually chosen and desire from our heart and soul.

A brighter future is upon us as we collectively stand against the suppression of what we are as creator beings; no one has any right to have power over us at all. This is the illusion and great deception of the ages. It will not turn out very well for any being who tries to manipulate the outcomes of the transformation of the universes as the old age has gone.

The Sacred Trail