The Truth, The Light, The Way.

In these moments there is an energy came into being that will set the tones of universal balance and unity.

The earthly consciousness is gathering in a new natural form beyond the awareness of many yet the twinkling has begun for all sentient life.

The vessel is changing its beat and quickening pace to the sounds of source. It is unstoppable and at the threshold of each heart.

Yes there are many things that will change as each begin to harness the energy of the heart mind. It is a time of trusting that already each have the tools within to complete the journey now. 

Power has always been within the heart to claim all rights, freedom and liberty.  Take it.

I am free, I am free, I am free is perfect at this time of remembrance. 

The Constitution of the soul has been mislaid, mislabelled and mishandled for far too long upon this world.  The gift of life and expansion that is the true experience the soul chose through incarnation but the human translation forgot within the waking dream. 

Taking power of guardianship as a source energy being now and being done hiding behind the walls of illusion is a great choice.

The exposure of the old is in plain sight and always has been but its had a big theatre to prop up the show. If there are fears to be released it will happen in many ways but all will be well. Maybe some tears unexpectedly come from nowhere but that is part of the beauty of releasing. Flow within it.

Observation is important, feeling is important and self love is right at the top of all things. Switch the glow on with self Love many other souls are waiting to hear the songs of their tribes and soul families. This is the greatest gathering and celebration of homecoming souls, which is filtering through the layers of consciousness. All eyes are on this now moment.

Most see a world of mishap and flukes of nature but it is by very intelligent design each path we walk together.

We have cycled loops of the eons that needed broken, severed and healing.The reality experienced by soul choice now will place each on its feet where it has to be. 

The agenda of the few will not override the rights of the many. The changes in the way all are governed is rapidly accelerating but firstly truth in all things must bare witness. 

The deeper in the flow of the heart energy the easier things become and the more peace is felt in each moment.

No waiting is need to be what we came to be. The inside job can only be an individual experience in a collective environment so we must initiate and command the change within the heart. 

The process of awaking to soul is not gonna stop once the first look has taken place. Yes many do move into anger upon realising the truth of the horror show but slowly respond with love, peace and unity. That is the power of within to change reality relationship.

The vessel in, which we dwell has brought such an extraordinary opportunity for source experience. Souls are chosen to be here, selected to serve the greater purpose and take whole responsibility for knowing thyself.

Free will choice has to be expressed from within, which means we must be fully aligned with The Truth, The Light and The Way of the soul and communicate with open heart knowing. Beaming from within the sacred heart flame. Allow the spirit of source to shine within this mantra.

I am The Truth 

I am The Light 

I am The Way

Until the next time 

The Sacred Trail