Walking as One

We walked to the lower densities together and we shall walk together throughout this journey always.

 There are many voices relentlessly working within the blame programs of old. This will only keep this thread alive and working against the flow of awakening consciousness. 

The dualistic nature of the programs loop throughout the storylines of the mind deception and illusion. Dual polarities have their own characteristics and it takes an ability to see energy as energy and nothing else to remove the division.

We are beings who hold a wide spectrum, which can resonate across multiple frequency bands. Thinking thoughts of separation have been a natural trait for the lower densities but as thought can keep us in the lower realms it can also release us.

The vibration of {we} as to that of the solo {I} is completely different in resonance. Our point of observation is being guided to the central core of the energy of the soul. As this clicks into place the needs and habits of the duality fades and the {we} of unity becomes.

Soul responsibly is a very empowering state of being and where all things can be healed, forgiven and released. Let us take a moment together to breathe this knowing that we are responsible.

I am responsible for my soul alignment in every now moment

I am aligned within and wholly responsible

I am aligned within and wholly responsible

I am aligned within and wholly responsible

So be it

So be it

So be it

Feel the power of the soul in every breath that we take together as we are just one breath. 

Until next time

The Sacred Trail